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Linkage between RQM/RTC artifacts

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Jul 10 '09, 1:46 p.m.
I have a couple questions about linking with RQM artifacts.

1) When I create a defect in RQM I specify the RTC Plan in the Planned For field. When I logon to RTC and check that Plan, the defect appears as expected.

Is it possible to link the defect with a specific Story or Task directly when opening the defect in RQM. For example, I'm testing a line item and want to open a defect against that specific Line Item. Right now I only have it going to the Plan.

2) When I create a new testcase in RQM, I select the Story I want to link it to in the Plan Item section. However, when I view the Story through RTC I don't see a link back to the testcase. It only seems to go one way (RQM to RTC).

Is there a way to set this up?

I searched the documentation but didn't find anything on these 2 subjects.


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