Why won't the RTC Screen Capture tool run anymore?
I am trying to use the RTC Screen Capture tool in RTC 5.0.2 with iFix006 and am having problems. The first time I tried running it, everything appeared to work correctly. The tool launched, I was able to capture a section of the screen and attach it to a work item. Everytime since then, the tool will not launch. It acts like it is launching (javaws launches) but nothing happens and I am not seeing any errors.
I have tried in Firefox, Chrome, and IE. My IE verison is IE 9. I am running Oracle Java version 7 update 80.
I launched the web starter control panel and have tried removing the application to see if that helps, and nothing. I even restarted my PC. Any ideas on how to get this tool to launch again?
Marek Siekierski
Jul 02 '15, 5:46 p.m.Hi Jamie,
Are there any errors in the web console in your browser?
Jamie Berry
Jul 02 '15, 6:07 p.m.I wasn't seeing any errors, then I finally determined how to show the Java console. With the Java console visible, the tool runs, but it doesn't run without the console visible. I looked in the console for messages, and this is what showed up:
Missing Application-Name manifest attribute for: https://gdccm01.gddsi.com:9443/ccm/service/com.ibm.team.workitem.service.internal.rest.IScreenCaptureDownloadService/capture.jar
JNLPClassLoader: Finding library swt-win32-3740.dll
JNLPClassLoader: Finding library swt-win32.dll
JNLPClassLoader: Finding library swt-win32-3740.dll
JNLPClassLoader: Finding library swt-win32.dll
Donald Nong
Jul 03 '15, 1:47 a.m.It's probably a JRE issue. I tried with Oracle Java 1.8.0_45 and IBM Java 1.7.0SR8 and neither had such a problem. Of course I tested with RTC 5.0.2 iFix006.
Note that you should always use the latest copy of rtc_screencapture.jnlp that you download from the browser.If you have other JRE installed on your machine, you can run the SCT directly by running
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