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Why am I receiving a cast exception when attempting to deliver changes?

Bryan Parker (111) | asked Feb 27 '15, 12:20 p.m.
This issue is reproducible on two isolated machines:
  • Ubuntu 12.04, Eclipse Luna, RTC plugin (4.1.0.RTC-I20121113-2333) installed via p2 repository
  • Windows 7, Eclipse Kepler, RTC plugin (4.1.0.RTC-I20121113-2333) installed via p2 repository
Server Information:
  • Server: Rational Jazz Team Server
  • Version 4.0.7
  • Build ID: RJF-I20140625-2037
  • License key: Permanent
I see the issue when attempting to deliver changes to a stream. Checkins are successful, but when attempting to deliver, the following message is presented and the delivery fails:
An internal error occurred during: "Delivering change sets".
com.sun.proxy.$Proxy51 cannot be cast to
I noticed this issue being present when recently switching streams. I'm not familiar with how to further debug the RTC plugin, so if additional logs are needed, I'd be happy to provide them, given information about where to find them. Thanks in advance.

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 27 '15, 3:32 p.m.
Consider to open a PMR with support.

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