How do i make the default value assigned to a developer in the schedule plan in formal RTC template zero
My business are not able to use rational as a resource management tool, but still need to be able to use the formal waterfall process for development along side their agile projects.
At the moment as a developer may be assigned to multiple formal projects at once and switch rapidly between them we are getting huge extensions on foretasted time to develop on the Gant chart in the plan. This is due to their time being divided up in the scheduler (some are only allocated 3% to the project).
We have found out if we manually assign all the team members to the project area to zero the projects gant chart will revert back to calculating just against effort and dependencies but this is a very time consuming activity. Is there a way to change the default value assigned to a the schedule plan to zero?
We are currently using Rational 4.0.6
Thanks for your help
One answer
I am not aware that there is a mechanism that you could use, unfortunately, because I agree it is most tedious.
In there could be some hints. Guido 's JAM – Jazz Workallocation Manager A lightweight Web client to manage the Workallocation of users or team within Jazz/RTC based on some API code I provided. You might want to look into the tool and if it is useful for you. As an alternative, you could look into how the use the API. You could use the API to set the values as you want.
In there could be some hints. Guido 's JAM – Jazz Workallocation Manager A lightweight Web client to manage the Workallocation of users or team within Jazz/RTC based on some API code I provided. You might want to look into the tool and if it is useful for you. As an alternative, you could look into how the use the API. You could use the API to set the values as you want.