Do we need to copy the server.xml file while registering an application with jts server
I have installed JTS, CCM,QM and RM using distributed topology as part of setting up CLM 406 environment using SQL Server 2008 R2 as the backend.
While registering a new CCM application do we need to copy the server.xml file while registering an application with jts server
Because while running the configure the application for CCM I could see the window accepting the login as ADMIN and ADMIN and not the LDAP user I have used for JTS configuration.
for JTS application I could login using the LDAP user which is configured.
2 answers
Hi anoop,
as far as I could see in registering the application, JTS will use a built-in user for each application, like ccm_user, qm_user.
Using a ldap user shouldn't be necessarry.
greetings georg.
Hi Georg,
While launching the application setup with the URL - https://<hostname>:9443/ccm/setup it will ask for the login credentials - there when I provided the LDAP user which I use for JTS it did not accept where as when I gave ADMIN / ADMIN the default login details it accepted.
This is correct, as at the point of /ccm/setup the application doesn't know anything about LDAP and so on, this will be configured within the setup.
I could get this fixed by manually copying the below lines from the server.xml file present on JTS server and pasting the same on to the server.xml file on respective application servers (ccm and for qm).
E:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer406\server\tomcat\conf
</Realm>--><Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" connectionName="<LDAP Details>" connectionPassword="Password" connectionURL="<ldap servername>:3268" referrals="follow" roleBase="OU=Groups,OU=Resources,OU=Bangalore,OU=India,DC=ap,DC=in,DC=ibm,DC=com" roleName="cn" roleSearch="(member={0})" roleSubtree="true" userBase="dc=ibm,dc=com" userSearch="(sAMAccountName={0})" userSubtree="true"/>