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OSLC + How to intergrate IBM tools with windows desktop application(Custom tool/COTS tools)

Vikash Singh (423065) | asked Jun 25 '15, 7:50 a.m.
Hi All,
I have requirement, where I need to do POC on integrating IBM CLM tools with windows based tools(Custom tool or may be COTS tool not sure on tool side). I have developed simple custom tool  which store data(Issue details) in XML format(desktop based Issue management tool implemented in java), and OSLC bridge with Change management specification(Web application). I need to integrate this tool with IBM CLM tool.

My question is how  can I connect to desktop tool from web application?  What are different way to integrate this tools?
Sample code on this will be very much helpful.

Thank you in advance

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 29 '15, 9:10 p.m.
You will need a plug-in to do this.

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