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exist bi-directional integration between ReqPro 7 and QM ?

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130258) | asked Jan 26 '14, 11:01 p.m.

I already have integration in QM to ReqPro, but I don't see any reference from ReqPro to QM, are there any scrips that could do this possible? ReqPro has web service where I can set the reference from QM? I can create hooked script where when the user do an action this script could be called in QM?  if is function could be able where I setup my script?

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Srikanth Bhushan (16942734) | answered Jan 27 '14, 4:31 a.m.
Hi ,

The RQM - Reqpro Integration will only allow you to associate the Reqpro Views/Packages and requirements to RQM Test cases/ Test plans. There will not be any back-link reference in the reqpro requirement about the RQM Test assets.

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