TC from TCER and release, cycle info has to come from TSER in RRDI report
Looking the information about latest state of a TC ( passwd,failed,etc) from TCER. We need to add to that the release and cycle in which the TC was executed. This information will need to come from the TSER. I found the TC state from "ODS --> Execution Result area --> Execution Result". where I can find release and cycle in which the TC was executed. This information need to find from TSER. Which query will have this information in our out-of-the-box RRDI package?
Naveen V
Jun 23 '15, 8:58 p.m.I am looking information about TC where release and cycle was executed. I am seeing some thing in Test suite execution record related test category query about release and cycle but not sure how I can map this information to TC to show latest results in report. Any help much appreciate.