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What are the new tables/columns were added to the RIDW in support of CLM

James Roach (1834) | asked Jul 06 '12, 3:53 p.m.
Our organization recently installed CLM, and the new .XDC files and the new Cognos Data Manager packages have all been installed and configured for Insight.

In the process of validating our work and promoting the new reporting artifacts to our users, I would like to know what new tables have been added to RIDW, and what new columns have been added to the existing tables, specifically for:
  • RQM
  • RRC

I don't have access to the MS SQL Server database scripts that were executed, and the log files don't show exactly what actions were performed.

Can anyone assist or direct me to something that contains this level of information, as I did not see anything specific in the CLM release notes?

We have CLM 4.0 on our horizon, and I imagine that I'll have similar questions at that time.

Thank you for your assistance,

James Roach

James Roach commented Jul 06 '12, 3:56 p.m.

We migrated from CLM 3.0.1 to Our version of Insight is 1.1.

2 answers

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Robert Rassmann (9923) | answered Jul 10 '12, 11:14 a.m.
I sent a ping to our reporting team who should be able to give you an answer on this.

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Jul 10 '12, 8:26 p.m.
Do you have access to the installation folder where CLM is installed?  If so, you can look at the file called calm_301_to_3011.sql in C:\ibm\jazzteamserver\datawarehouse\mssql\migration which outlines the DW changes between 3.0.1 and  You'll notice that only new triggers/indexes have been added/removed.

As for 4.0, maybe someone on the reporting team can comment on changes between the 3.x and 4.0 DW's, because I don't see these files provided in the installation folder (perhaps the updates are made via pure Java now).

James Roach commented Jul 12 '12, 2:10 p.m.

Benjamin, thank you very much for your response. I was able to locate the .sql file and I have confirmed with my own eyes the changes that you described above. Your answer fully resolves my question.

I will keep an eye out for similar information when the time for our 4.0 migration comes.

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