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RTC integration with BMC Remedy

Martin Keßler (334) | asked Jun 16 '15, 8:50 a.m.
We are looking for a way to integrate our RTC (4.0.6) with our customer's BMC Remedy system (CISM). At the moment we have to synchronize CISM tickets with RTC defects manually which is very cumbersome.
This topic has been discussed here in the past, but I have not seen a satisfying answer to it.

Has anyone successfully integrated RTC and Remedy?

Has anyone experience with the symphony solution by agosense? (

4 answers

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Christian Morgan (317714) | answered Jun 16 '15, 10:29 a.m.


A few years ago my team implemented a custom solution for a client.  One on my team wrote a fairly simple java program and leveraged the Jazz/RTC api to create/update work items that originated in BMC Remedy.  We used BMC's api to access their Remedy instance from a workstation that ran our java application.  On the workstation we used windows scheduler to run the app, poll Remedy and then create/update the RTC work items.

It was a simple app that used very straight forward configuration files to define parameters.  It was also uni-directional in its initial version, only pulled from Remedy to RTC.

It took our developer a few weeks to rapid prototype, develop, test and deploy it for production use.  That being said, it definitely needed additional work to make it bi-directional and add better support for multiple repositories for source and target data, along with other nice to have features.

I have not heard of the symphony solution before.  In other engagements we have used Tasktop Sync and there is another IBM Rational business parent that has a similar synchronizer solution.  Tasktop is the only one that I am aware of that already has the BMC Remedy integration out of the box though.


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Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130258) | answered Jun 16 '15, 11:18 a.m.

As said Christian, you could develop an app using the api for sync, in my case I made a java app that is listening any query/activity coming from both sides RTC/Remedy and.. also I have ClearQuest,  I developed a message broker that Ensure that all messages have been delivered successfully in real time(it does't  depend of the task manager or any other daemon/service is a java app) and if there is any issue this app send e-mail us e-mail notifications that something is wrong. so I used SOAP for Remedy, REST for CQ (also java libraries for the attachments) and OSLC for RTC (It has been a pain for poor documentation and they don't document all changes on the new releases you have discover by your self or when something is not working because they decide to remove functionality/table/data and sell it in a new tool or separate).

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Manoj Panda (39346762) | answered Jun 16 '15, 12:13 p.m.
check this out.

Manoj Panda commented Jun 29 '15, 11:21 p.m.

oops the right url should be

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Beth Beese (312) | answered Jun 18 '15, 11:39 a.m.
 Thanks Chris and Manoj!

Hello Martin-

Please have a look at this short video demo of the RLIA-Tasktop Edition integration between IBM RTC and BMC Remedy:

RLIA is an IBM solution powered by Tasktop! If you would like to speak with one of our sales engineers, please let me know:

Thanks and best

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