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Upgrading BMC Remedy to a new Server (URL)

Arun K Sriramaiah (3.2k13477) | asked Apr 05 '19, 7:14 a.m.
edited Apr 05 '19, 7:15 a.m.

We have synchronization happening through RLIA Tasktop Sync between RTC and BMC Remedy Incidents.
Now the BMC remedy is being upgraded to newer version.
The BMC team has installed a newer version on a separate server having a new URL.
They will migrate all the incidents (Open or closed) to the newer URL.
RLIA has old proxies from Remedy.

How can we update the old proxies to point to newer URL in Tasktop Sync?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Arun K Sriramaiah (3.2k13477) | answered Apr 05 '19, 7:18 a.m.
edited Apr 05 '19, 7:19 a.m.

The repository URL can be changed with the steps from here:

 Note: Highly recommend trying the steps before in a test environment. RLIA uses the ID of the items as part of the identifier of the association. I don’t know if the migration to a new Remedy server maybe changes this ID.

 Also, double check if the new Remedy version is supported from RLIA here (Tasktop 19.1 is the same code base as RLIA

 And don’t miss install the Custom Web Services and Forms for Tasktop/RLIA in the correct version:

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

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