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Burndown chart using BIRT

Vijay Kumar Ravishankar (3642) | asked Jul 06 '09, 6:58 p.m.

How to create a Burndown chart usign BIRT. I was trying to use the sample burndown report templates in scrum project but nothing is displayed. Can someone help me in this.


6 answers

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Hamid Bedjaoui (261) | answered Jul 13 '09, 8:33 p.m.

How to create a Burndown chart usign BIRT. I was trying to use the sample burndown report templates in scrum project but nothing is displayed. Can someone help me in this.


This report plots the remaining backlog of work in terms of the time estimated to complete it. Agile development methodologies such as Scrum use a burndown to plot the daily progress toward the end of a sprint. Ideally, the chart will show a trend toward zero hours of remaining work as the sprint comes to a close.

Only work items which are open and in progress and which have an estimate specified are included in the calculation.

Make sure that you have enough data with the above conditions Vijay. It works with me.


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Vijay Kumar Ravishankar (3642) | answered Jul 13 '09, 7:03 p.m.
All work item reports that take an iteration as a parameter are bound by the start and end dates of the iteration. Assigning Work items to an iteration that has not stared yet will display an empty chart for that iteration.

The page displayed the following message "No work items with estimates specified were found." and no chart was displayed. What is the problem and how to get the chart generated?

Thanks Vijay

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Jul 07 '09, 7:51 p.m.
All work item reports that take an iteration as a parameter are bound by the start and end dates of the iteration. Assigning Work items to an iteration that has not stared yet will display an empty chart for that iteration.

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Jul 07 '09, 7:47 p.m.
Can you please describe what is not working?

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Vijay Kumar Ravishankar (3642) | answered Jul 07 '09, 2:14 p.m.
1) Are you using RTC 2.0?
2) Did you upgrade your repo from to 2.0?
3) Are you sure you are using the Burndown report template that shipped with RTC 2.0?
4) Do other reports like Open vs Closed work?

I am using RTC 2.0. I did not upgrade the repo, i directly installed RTC 2.0 client and i am using the burndown that was shipped with the client.


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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Jul 06 '09, 11:24 p.m.
1) Are you using RTC 2.0?
2) Did you upgrade your repo from to 2.0?
3) Are you sure you are using the Burndown report template that shipped with RTC 2.0?
4) Do other reports like Open vs Closed work?

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