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Can't create DB2 tables: Exception testing case sensitivity

Steve Viens (61185) | asked Jul 02 '09, 11:10 a.m.
Anyone know what I need to do here (or what to tell our DBA's to do for me)? I'm running into a case sensitivity issue when trying to create DB2 tables (UDB 9.1 on AIX).

Error = Sql Exception thrown while testing case sensitivity of the database.

The full transcript from the script exectuion is below:

$ ./ -createTables
Repo Tools
Rational Team Concert, Version 2.0 (I20090618-1753)
Jazz Foundation Server, Version 1.0 (I20090618-1753)

Provisioning using "./conf/jazz/provision_profiles".
Rational Jazz Team Server - Enterprise
CRJAZ1363I Loading configuration from "file:conf/jazz/".
CRJAZ1365I Attempting Initial Database Connection Using
Db Name/Location: //t002ppmdb:60096/jazz:user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;
CRJAZ1364I Initial database connection successful
Db Product Name: DB2/AIX64
Db Product Version: SQL09015
Db URL: jdbc:db2://t002ppmdb:60096/jazz
Jdbc Driver Name: IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Driver Architecture
Jdbc Driver Version: 3.53.70
CRJAZ8192E: Fulltext Index Location: workitemindex/fulltext_index/
Creating the tables for the database "//t002ppmdb:60096/jazz:user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;" with indices.
Sql Exception thrown while testing case sensitivity of the database
The database tables were not created.

15 answers

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Radim Kolar (1121) | answered Oct 06 '09, 6:47 a.m.
I am also having the same problem.
I am using RTC 2 Standard and DB2 9.7 Express-C. The database is installed and running, the config files for the Jazz server are updated and I changed the user settings to include the Group DB2ADMNS. But the repotool does not run through and ends with the same error message as above (but in german).

Anyone have an idea?

i got work rtc with db2 exp-c 9.7:

create database JAZZ using codeset UTF-8 territory en PAGESIZE 8192
update db cfg for jazz using cur_commit disabled
connect to jazz
grant dbadm on database to user db2admin
revoke connect on database from public
repotools -createTables

jazz is connecting as user db2admin

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Ulf Buchner (3182213) | answered Jul 23 '10, 7:53 a.m.
Thanks, this helped.

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Trond Smestad (111) | answered Nov 27 '10, 11:04 a.m.
Thank you, this helped for me as well. Only had to grant access (right click on the database in the DB2 control center and select "Authorizations...") to DB2ADMIN. By default, the only grant was DBADM to the current Windows user...!?

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Hank Zepher (6) | answered Nov 27 '10, 11:45 p.m.
Anyone know what I need to do here (or what to tell our DBA's to do for me)? I'm running into a case sensitivity issue when trying to create DB2 tables (UDB 9.1 on AIX).

Error = Sql Exception thrown while testing case sensitivity of the database.

The full transcript from the script exectuion is below:

$ ./ -createTables
Repo Tools
Rational Team Concert, Version 2.0 (I20090618-1753)
Jazz Foundation Server, Version 1.0 (I20090618-1753)

Provisioning using "./conf/jazz/provision_profiles".
Rational Jazz Team Server - Enterprise
CRJAZ1363I Loading configuration from "file:conf/jazz/".
CRJAZ1365I Attempting Initial Database Connection Using
Db Name/Location: //t002ppmdb:60096/jazz:user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;
CRJAZ1364I Initial database connection successful
Db Product Name: DB2/AIX64
Db Product Version: SQL09015
Db URL: jdbc:db2://t002ppmdb:60096/jazz
Jdbc Driver Name: IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Driver Architecture
Jdbc Driver Version: 3.53.70
CRJAZ8192E: Fulltext Index Location: workitemindex/fulltext_index/
Creating the tables for the database "//t002ppmdb:60096/jazz:user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;" with indices.
Sql Exception thrown while testing case sensitivity of the database
The database tables were not created.

I had the same problem so this thread has been really helpful Thanks for your initial post.

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Morten Madsen (13277) | answered Jan 10 '11, 4:44 p.m.
Thanks, this helped me as well. But I had one small problem, which was not mentioned here.

When I try to "Grant All" in DB2 Control Center (as described in above posts), then I'm not allowed, because Control Center connects with "SYSTEM" user.

I neede to right click the database (JTS or CCM) and "Connect...." and then use the user I had installed DB2 with (or the user I had run the "create database" command with).


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