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How to display each row of a query on separate page.

Michael Alberda (2311648) | asked May 29 '15, 9:02 a.m.

Good Day,

I would like to know if it’s possible to cycle through a Query and display each item from a column as an individual item on page

I have designed a page with certain Test Items e.g. Epic name, Epic state etc. I then used singleton items to display those values. Because of the singleton it only displays the first row of my query. Is there a way in which I can run one report and display each row as the page layout?


Michael Alberda

2 answers

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered May 29 '15, 10:18 a.m.
Hi Michael,
If you put your data into a List instead of a singleton, if you look at the List Properties you'll see an option for "Rows Per Page".   You can set this to 1, and I think this will give you your desired outcome -- each row will be on its own page.

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Michael Alberda (2311648) | answered Jun 01 '15, 3:10 a.m.

Hi Jackie,

Thanks for the response, unfortunately I don’t think I explained my requirement well enough. I have a page that has fields a layout like Project Name: [Project Name] where [Project Name] is a column in the DB. Is it possible to display each [Project name from the DB in the layout without using a List item. I have many fields and essentially need each row from my query to be displayed in the page layout separately.



Table has:


|A           |B               |12   |

|C           |D               |13   |


Page Layout is:


Name: [Name]

Surname: [Surname]

Age: [Age]


When I run the report I need to see


Name: A

Surname: B

Age: 12


Then be able to go the next record (clicking a button/ page down)


Name: C

Surname: D

Age: 13



Michael Alberda

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