Dynamically Duplication of Attributes in Work Item Customization
Accepted answer
You can add attributes to a work item type. You can add the attribute to work items that already exist, by checking the usage of the work item in the project area, or using "Synchronize Attributes" on a query.
You can not dynamically add attributes e.g. while running through the workflow.
You can not dynamically add attributes e.g. while running through the workflow.
One other answer
If I read your question correctly, you should consider using work item template.
Hi Donald,
I want to know that, is it possible to add attributes or fields, after the work item has been created.
If user want to add the field at Run time...can it be possible?
If you want user intervention, you may end up wasting many numbers in the sequence, because when a user picks a number, she may not use it at all by just cancelling the current operation. And you will have a hard time put the wasted/skipped numbers back in the sequence. How to maintain a sequence is not unique to RTC and some general guidelines should apply. It's really up to you how "perfect" the sequence should be.
Thank You Donald for reply