Get details of user e.g. email id, user name using calculated value java script
In a work item we need to set calculated value for custom string attribute. Value for this attribute would be email id of the user who is owner of work item. Our approach is to get email address of user who is owner of work item using java script and use calculated value script to set this value to custom string attribute.
Is it possible to get email address of user (Owned By attribute in work item) using java script?
One answer
This is not available in the RTC Attribute customization API. You can only get the label (Name) and the ID (UUID).
The Java API allows to get that information in attribute customization.
So if I want to do something like this preferably do I have to go with custom follow up action (plugin development)?
You have 2 options:
1. Use a follow up action / participant
2. Use a Java based attribute customization -