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Upgrading strategy from 32 bit to 64 and from to 4.0.X

Sofus Albertsen (471014) | asked Nov 21 '12, 4:08 a.m.
The summary almost says it all.
We have an evaluation topology on 32 bit Linux (tomcat, derby), we want to upgrade to 64 bit, evaluation still, but 4.X.
I Don't think that we are able to mount the old server drives on the new.

My solution would be to:
  1. Take a backup on old server,
  2. Install newest 3.X on the new server.
  3. Restore data on the new server.
  4. Upgrade the server to 4.X.

But i would much more like it if i could just go straight from old 3.X to new 4.X

Thanks in advance
Sofus Albertsen

Accepted answer

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Kenneth Munch (13522124) | answered Nov 21 '12, 5:12 a.m.
You can go from 3.0.1 to 4.0.*
No problems there.
Have you thought about using VM Ware for this evaluation ?
Sofus Albertsen selected this answer as the correct answer

Sofus Albertsen commented Nov 21 '12, 5:28 a.m.

Yeah, we have VM Ware server, and the RTC server is virtualised.
I just want to know if i am able to cut the installation of 3.0.1 on the new server away, and just use the backup of the old 3.0.1 on a fresh 4.0* installation.

Kenneth Munch commented Nov 21 '12, 5:45 a.m.

I can't see why not.
Start up your backup of 3.0.1, and make sure it looks OK.
Once OK, you install the new Installation manager, the new JTS and the new CCM.
Migrate using the two scripts mentioned here:

Sofus Albertsen commented Nov 21 '12, 5:50 a.m.

Just to be 100 % clear:
When you say: "Start up your backup of 3.0.1, and make sure it looks OK." are you then saying that i need to install 3.0.1 first on the new server?
I am making a fresh OS install on the new server because of the move from 32 to 64 bit.

Kenneth Munch commented Nov 21 '12, 6:02 a.m.

Yes, otherwise you cannot migrate. But hey; it will take you half an hour :-))

Sofus Albertsen commented Nov 21 '12, 6:17 a.m.

Yeah i know:) But if i could skip it, i definitely would:)
Thanks a lot for the help!

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