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Why my question was deleted?

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130258) | asked May 25 '15, 6:43 p.m.
Why my question was deleted?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered May 25 '15, 7:01 p.m.
This forum is for asking technical questions about the Jazz-based products.  Questions that are not technical should be posted elsewhere.

Rafael Rodriguez Montes commented May 25 '15, 7:18 p.m.

 1 the original questions is related to all technical questions posted and answers posted by "jazz developers".

 2. this is a big concern as a customer using jazz products due to the developers are so far away of the technical concepts.
 3. the answers that I got, did not solve any of my questions including my specific technical questions. 
the only thing that happens is giving to you a big number on questions with answers, but it obviously  do not represent that all questions has the right answer. 

Geoffrey Clemm commented May 25 '15, 7:30 p.m. | edited May 25 '15, 7:36 p.m.

This is not a forum for "questions related to technical questions" ... it is a forum for technical questions.   The primary mechanism for customer support is by working with IBM customer support, so if your questions are not being answered in the forum, please contact IBM customer support.
WRT the tag "jazz developer", my advice is to just ignore it.  I'm not sure how it is determined, but it definitely does not mean "this person knows the answers to all jazz-related questions".

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