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Can you view your Scripts from a local directory?

Leesen Padayachee (9960120) | asked Mar 30 '15, 6:48 a.m.
edited Mar 30 '15, 7:02 a.m.

Once a test script is stored on RQM, is there a local directory ( or directory on Jazz Server) that these scripts are stored to? I have executed the CLA adapter for my client, but they would like to know if for example this script is linked to a .py script can it be viewed in RQM? In other words, any CLA test script that calls a (.python test or . bat file), is it stored somewhere on the Jazz server and can it be called into RQM?

Just to add abit more:

Once we create a CLA test and point this test to their specific script on the test target machine ( in this case a python script), is it possible for RQM to somehow show the contents of this .py script ( . py script can be opened in a text editor). For example, a manual test script can show data from each step, will it be possible to do the same for a Command Line script? To probably show the contents of the script that CLA script is pointing to?

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Mar 30 '15, 9:28 a.m.
If we are talking about Automated Test Scripts (CLA, RFT, RPT...etc); the scripts themselves will reside in the folder you specified during the initial Create/Import process (Either a local folder or on a Shared location )

There is an XML representation of the scripts within QM but this essentially metadata; it will not contain code level information; you can obtain the xml via the REST API

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