Workitem states & Advisors
We can specify the state transitions for a work item in Jazz. eg. Work item states Created -> Verified -> Assigned -> Completed -> Closed
I can write advisors for workitems saying that a Workitem cannot be saved unless the estimate days is specified.
Can we do this state specific. e.g. When my work item is created I dont have to specify the estimate days filed. But when the work item is in the Assigned state the estimate days field should not be empty.
Does Jazz have advisors where a work item required fields advisor can check for required fields based on state of the work item?
Thank you.
I can write advisors for workitems saying that a Workitem cannot be saved unless the estimate days is specified.
Can we do this state specific. e.g. When my work item is created I dont have to specify the estimate days filed. But when the work item is in the Assigned state the estimate days field should not be empty.
Does Jazz have advisors where a work item required fields advisor can check for required fields based on state of the work item?
Thank you.
One answer
Our required property advisor does not support state specific required
properties. However, you could enhance the existing one yourself to
support this feature.
(Please file an enhancement request if you don't want to do this :-)
On 2007-11-08 21:07:56 +0100, (rkukkama) said:
properties. However, you could enhance the existing one yourself to
support this feature.
(Please file an enhancement request if you don't want to do this :-)
On 2007-11-08 21:07:56 +0100, (rkukkama) said:
We can specify the state transitions for a work item in Jazz. eg. Work
item states Created -> Verified -> Assigned -> Completed
-> Closed
I can write advisors for workitems saying that a Workitem cannot be
saved unless the estimate days is specified.
Can we do this state specific. e.g. When my work item is created I
dont have to specify the estimate days filed. But when the work item
is in the Assigned state the estimate days field should not be empty.
Does Jazz have advisors where a work item required fields advisor can
check for required fields based on state of the work item?
Thank you.