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Finding changed source members for build on system-i

Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | asked Jun 28 '11, 7:44 a.m.
retagged Jun 24 '12, 4:10 a.m. by Arne Bister (2.6k12832)

we have installed RTC V30 and since last week RTC V301 on our system-i.

Is there any possibilty to find the change source members, for example filename is QCBLSRC and membername is TESTPGM, when the workitem is delivered from the developer and autmomatically insert the Filename and the membername into a databasefile on system-i. We would like to have this to run our buildscripts on system-i.

Or is there an other way to use build-scripts on system-i where we use different source and object libraries on system-i.

We have in our environment 3 streams and each stream is connected with an i-project.

Thanks for help


8 answers

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Sean Babineau (38825) | answered Jun 28 '11, 3:20 p.m.
Hi Andreas,

The changed/loaded members are available interactively:
e.g. In the RTC client, if you look at the "pending changes" view for the build workspace before you submit the build, you can see the changed source members which will be loaded for the build. After the build, you can check the build report's build log to see what source members were loaded.

However, today, there is no easy-to-process list of loaded source members which exists on the IBM i filesystem (e.g. in either IFS or in a DB2/i *FILE) which could be read and processed by your automatic tool.

I've created a workitem for us to add this feature, which you can track here:


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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered Jun 29 '11, 2:36 a.m.
Hi Sean,

thanks for your answer. The problem I have is, that I must know the changed sourcemembers to start the build CL-Pgm on system-i because I'm not able to use the BuildSpec's in RTC because we have changed a lot of parameters in the native Compilepgms on system-i depending on what object we will create (Printfiles, Displayfiles, PGMS, SRVPGMS etc..) and in some cases depending on the name of the object which will be created.

Thanks for opening the WI and I hope to receive a solution in the future. In the meantime I have to ask our developers to create the i-series object manually and hope they will not forget sourcemembers to insert.


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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered Jun 29 '11, 2:50 a.m.
Hi Sean,

clicking the URL in your answer I get connected to the following URL

and then its finish. I cannot navigate on this URL anywhere.

Thanks for help.


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Kevin Doyle (60425) | answered Jun 29 '11, 8:13 p.m.
Hi Andreas,

Try the following link:

Hi Sean,

clicking the URL in your answer I get connected to the following URL

and then its finish. I cannot navigate on this URL anywhere.

Thanks for help.


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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered Jun 30 '11, 2:32 a.m.
Hi Kevin,

thanks for the new link it works perfect.
After reading the workitem and discussing the purposed solution we would like to have workitemid and summary in the output because with workitemid we would be able to run our buildscripts on system-i.

Thanks in advance.

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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered Jun 30 '11, 5:33 a.m.
Hi Kevin,

would it make sense, if I sent you a .csv file, and explain to you how we use this file. And if yes could you please tell me the way how you would prefer to receive the file.

Thanks Andreas

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Kevin Doyle (60425) | answered Jun 30 '11, 2:14 p.m.
Hi Andreas,

You can send me an email. There should be a link to email me below this reply.

Hi Kevin,

would it make sense, if I sent you a .csv file, and explain to you how we use this file. And if yes could you please tell me the way how you would prefer to receive the file.

Thanks Andreas

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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered Jul 01 '11, 2:20 a.m.
Hi Andreas,

You can send me an email. There should be a link to email me below this reply.

Hi Kevin,

would it make sense, if I sent you a .csv file, and explain to you how we use this file. And if yes could you please tell me the way how you would prefer to receive the file.

Thanks Andreas

Hi Kevin,

i have sent you the mail with the csv-file and an explanation who we use this today.


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