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Removing non existent Attributes in Available Columns on Query Result Layout Editor

John Bryan Sazon (341823) | asked Mar 25 '13, 7:30 a.m.
Hi, below is the display when I will edti the result layout of my queries.

The three highlighted attributes do not exist anymore! There is only Priority existing. I have no idea how this were generated but I have tested adding some attributes in the past. I need help on how I will get rid of this as I could not rename them since they do not exist anymore on Type and Attributes under Work Items on Process Configuration. Thanks!

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 25 '13, 9:53 a.m.
Instead of just deleting attribute definitions, my suggestion would be to rename the Label of the attribute for example zzz_OldProiority at least be fore deleting them. Work Item queries will show attributes that have been added and set, even if the definition is no longer there. Renaming at least gives the user an idea that the attribute is obsolete and moves them out of the way.
I would also suggest to add literal values to built in attributes such as priority, reusing the existing enumeration, instead of creating new attributes.

John Bryan Sazon selected this answer as the correct answer

John Bryan Sazon commented Mar 25 '13, 10:36 p.m.


Can you please tell me how and where will I rename it?

Thank you.

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 26 '13, 2:50 a.m.

For example in the Eclipse Client. Open the Project area Editor, go to the Process Configuration Tab. Go to Configuration Data>Work Items>Types and Attributes. Select the attribute and press Edit.... Change the Name property.

Consider Reading and .

John Bryan Sazon commented Mar 26 '13, 3:51 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

How can I rename the non-existent custom priorities that I have mentioned in my first post.

Those 3 other priorities are not displayed there.

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 26 '13, 4:00 a.m. | edited Mar 26 '13, 4:01 a.m.

If you managed to delete these attributes and they are removed from the process XML, the only way to do this would be to get the XML back into the process configuration. You could look into the process XML (Process Configuration Source tab) and try to find if they are still there. If yes, you can change the name property like in the screenshot above. If not, I think you could get the process XML back by comparing the history of the process (Show History in the context menu of the process configuration source) and adding back what was deleted. However, directly editing the process configuration source can be dangerous if you are not doing it correctly. To avoid that in the future make yourself familiar with

John Bryan Sazon commented Mar 26 '13, 4:34 a.m.

I just saw that those 3 priorities are on Archived.

After I ticked the Include archived on Add condition for query results.

So, where can I find these archived attributes?

3 other answers

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Piotr Aniola (3.7k11738) | answered Mar 25 '13, 9:44 a.m.
The attributes do not exist, but I suppose some workitems using them may still exist?
Can you open your project area editor, go to Process Configuration/Project Configuration/Configuration Data/Workitems and click "Check attribute usage in repository"?

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John Bryan Sazon (341823) | answered Mar 26 '13, 6:00 a.m.
I finally solved the problem. I found those archived priorities when I was about to add existing attributes ( Re-use existing attributes ).

Then I just renamed them!

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Michelle Pinto (1) | answered Mar 26 '13, 6:59 a.m.
How do these come in the first place?

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