spam making this site almost unusable
One answer
Yes, we noticed the surge in spam. Unfortunately our Akismet filter experienced some issues last month which caused us to reinitialize it, so additional spam is getting through at this moment. Some of the spam is getting through as ham instead, so as our moderators identify it and make the spam designation, the filtering will get back to where it was. So it may take a little time to fully eradicate the spam. We are definitely keeping an eye on it, and eliminating the spam as soon as we come across it.
We really appreciate your patience, and thanks for reaching out.
- Reuben team
One thing I would suggest is that we put in place a "maximum number of posts/day" (say 5 or 10 posts/day) for anyone with less than a given number of experience points (perhaps 200 points?), since some of the new spammers are posting a couple of hundred posts on a single account. Does Akismet provide a function like this, or is this something we'd have to implement ourselves? (It seems like that should be a relatively minor enhancement to implement),
2 votes
I would support this.
@reubenv Reuben, you sure Akismet works?I have reported many of the same type spam all day and banned many posts.
I notice that the spam posters always have 11 points, how did they get those points and why all of them have the same points when posting the spams? Maybe something can be done related to that as well.
I believe you get 10 additional points (totaling 11) when you verify your email address, at which point you are allowed to post. So the fact that they all have 11 points is expected.
Another help would be a one button "This is spam" button from the comment list rather than having to open the comment and mark it. Thanks.
On Limiting Posts: Akismet doesn't provide this functionality. It's sole purpose is to weed out spam, which its obviously not doing a great job of right now. Our team is working on something. Geoff and Ralph, I'll email you w/ details.
Thanks Reuben.
It worked a lot better for a long time. We had almost no spam for a long time. And the site did not provide any feedback to the click/ad tracking in Google which discouraged spammers. Did something change there?
I think almost every city name in India should now be banned from usage in posts, after all the crap I reported over the last few weeks 8)