How do I find source stream of the changeset
2 answers
Yes. A Stream can contain data. But which one contains what might change due to rebasing etc.
Changes don't originate in streams either. They typically get checked in, delivered etc from repository workspaces. They can be and accepted from several sources, so it really does not make sense to ask where they came from. Streams are also volatile, you can delete them etc.
If you want to know where a change set is in, use locate change set.
1 vote
I agreed this is not possible in RTC 4.0.6. But it may be possible since RTC 5.0.1.
Nevertheless, I think that this elevates "Being Added to a Stream" to a level that it should not have, especially because the stream could be already deleted, set to another baseline etc. You can see if a change set is in a specific stream, workspace now, or is (forever) in a certain baseline. You can tell who added it there. That is pretty much all you can.
Also, workspaces are just as volatile as streams are. They are deleted more so than streams in our environment. Besides, you can change the flow target of the workspace to different streams, so it makes it very difficult to trace the change through a stream. The date and locate change set help, but it really should show the stream as well. The stream has much more impact than Mr. Schoon is giving it credit. In trying to locate a change set, it would be very useful to indicate which stream.
Donna Thomas
May 18 '15, 2:07 p.m.You are not alone in wanting to see this answer. :)
Evan Hughes
JAZZ DEVELOPER May 19 '15, 4:38 p.m.Why do you want to know the first stream a change set is delivered to?
Surya Tripathi
May 27 '15, 3:42 p.m.Would you be able to describe your situation a little more? It will be nice to know which stream is the build stream and how other streams are flowing to it. Are the changes flowing automatically or manually?