Is there a way to disable "Stop Run" button that exist in the Test Case Execution page?

2 answers

Sorry, there is no option to disable the "Stop Run" button. There is confirmation to warn the user that "Stop Run" will permanently terminate the execution and use "Close" to pause. It may be inconvenient of having an extra click to cancel from the confirmation, but it is very unlikely to mistaken "Stop Run" as pause.

Paul can we not have a permission linked to this "Stop run" button. So just disabling that permission will disable this button.

Hi Renuka,
I believe "Stop Run" is a required option for test execution. The users would not have a way to terminate an execution without it. That will leave all these abandoned execution stuck in the "in progress" state.
Actually, I guess it is not the issue that we need to disable the functionality of "Stop Run". Is it an usability issue that it is not clear that "Close" is to pause and "Stop Run" is to terminate? We have the warning dialog, but is it that the users usually click OK without reading the dialog message?