How to archive SCM component?
2 answers
As far as I know, there is no capability to archive or delete components in RTC SCM. There is something in the global configuration management area, which does not apply to the RTC SCM components.
The only thing that I can think of, one can do, to prevent access to a component to be able to export it without concurrent access, would be to change the owner of the component to a special user that is only used to export the component and does not change a component while it is exported.
I find the section that talks about this in the help for the SCM command not very helpful and you could file a request to enhance it with support.
This is a documentation defect. I have submitted work item to get it fixed.
In particular, the command to archive a component is:
scm set attributes -C <component UUID> --ownedby <admin user> --visibility archived
which is documented in:
7.3 is not out yet. I looked through the new and noteworthy for all 7.x versions and couldn't find it. I remebered that I had heared soimething about a new feature.
It is such a big difference I wonder why it is not mentioned there. To implement it as a visibility is by no means obvious. contains ita s well. My google search did not help, my more informed search neiter. When I can't find it, and I hear rumors, how do we expect users to find it?
Hi Ralph,
The exact same comments apply to (and all releases after that). The only reason I was looking in to 7.0.3 documentation was to see if that documentation bug has been fixed. The reason it is a documentation bug is that, as you noticed, it is virtually impossible to find ... for example, if you search in the on-line documentation for "archive component", it doesn't show up until the 55'th entry (3'rd page of results), and it would be very hard to guess that this is the entry you want.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 19 '21, 8:19 a.m.Please explain what you want to do, at the moment I do not understand what you are trying to say. SCM Components can not be archived or deleted at the moment as far as I know.
Milan Krivic
Apr 19 '21, 9:16 a.m.Hi,