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configuring RQM using LDAP registory but need to provide default userID Password

Krunal Gaoli (671169) | asked May 18 '15, 9:37 a.m.
 IN step 6 while configuring LDAP with RQM I checked the Disable default admin access, but its not working please  give some suggestions. because of it i have to put ADMIN ADMIN as a user ID and Password.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 18 '15, 10:10 a.m.
Before the LDAP setup is finished, there is no authentication system. You need to be able to log in with something, so you have to use the default Account. Once LDAP is set up you have to create a user with an ID that is in LDAP, at that point the default ADMIN does become unavailable and since it is not in LDAP, you can't use it any more.

This is at least how I remember the process should work.
Krunal Gaoli selected this answer as the correct answer

Krunal Gaoli commented May 19 '15, 12:39 a.m.

 Thanks Ralph.

It was exactly the problem.

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