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Condition script throws error when saved

Alexia Tanski (1111) | asked May 13 '15, 8:41 a.m.
edited May 13 '15, 3:25 p.m.

I am working on writing business rules, and I can visually see that the scripts work. For example, when a certain field is selected, it will require another field. 

However, when you try to save after filling in the required field, an error gets thrown:

The same error occurs for after filling in a read-only field (after its been selected and is no longer read-only). 

The preconditions are properly set for the users.

Is there another setting that needs to be enabled, or is there something that needs to be added to the code?

Thank you for your time and if you need more information, I will respond as soon as possible.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 13 '15, 10:54 p.m.
It does not seem like the script in your mind controls the read-only property of the attributes. I suggest you have a read on the below article to understand how the read-only control can be implemented in RTC. Only you can see the details of the process configuration, so ultimately it is up to you to find out why it does not work.

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