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Can I preserve the "Grouping" option in a saved query in RQM?

Donat Hutter (2153539) | asked May 07 '15, 10:02 a.m.
In a saved query of RQM I see that the option View as "General" or "Traceability" is part of the saved query, but not the grouping option.
Do I miss something or would this be worth an enhancement request?


Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 07 '15, 9:52 p.m.
This feature was introduced back with RQM 4.0.x (may be 3.0.x?). So you should have it working already. Are you using RQM 5.0.2? If so, you may encounter this defect.

If you think that the issue is different (a new defect or some sort), open a ticket with Support.
Donat Hutter selected this answer as the correct answer

Donat Hutter commented May 08 '15, 5:09 a.m.

We are using DNG 5.0.2.
The mentioned defect talks about TER queries. Hopefully it is fixed also for other queries (we experienced it in Test Case queries).

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