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How to modify Expected Results in Testcase results?

Kenji Sarai (96039) | asked Jul 21 '16, 4:07 a.m.
My customer needs to modify Expected Results in Testcase Results (Steps). However this field is locked and unable to open in Edit mode. I have tried to modify linked Test Script, and I was able to modify Expected Results in Test Script. Then revert the State back to Approved and locked, but it still remains unchanged in Expected Results in Testcase Results.

The reason why we are trying to modify is that we got an error when inserting this Testcase Results record into data warehouse (ExecutionStepResult table) by Data Manager. The error is DB2 SQL 0302N SQLSTATE=22001, so it is most likely caused by the contents of this record (Testcase Results). There are some quotes, double-quotes, comma inside of it, so I suspect they caused this problem.

I would like to know how to modify Expected Results in Testcase Results without impacting other area. Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanks

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Pragnya Priyadarshini (39) | answered Jul 27 '16, 3:02 a.m.
edited Jul 27 '16, 4:27 a.m.
Hi Kenji,
In TestCase Results, Description and Expected results are readonly field.So we can't modify them in Test Cse Result.However we can modify these two fiels in the TestScript.But the modified Description and Expected results will get reflected in the newly created TestCase Result.The existing Test Case Result will not get impacted by the changes in the Test Script.
Kenji Sarai selected this answer as the correct answer

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