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Command Line Build properties for Command Line - Jazz Build Engine

Kerim Akbaba (1111) | asked Apr 28 '15, 9:29 p.m.
edited May 25 '15, 11:56 a.m. by Lisa Frankel (5462)
To explore the RTC's build management functions I need to compile simple java HelloWorld file and see the build results in Eclipse client. However, i can not create a valid build definition. For simple java file what should i enter to the fields(command,arguments,working directory...)? Also i want to note that i just login to my cloud project and right clicked on builds so on... Is there any setup needed for builds or can i just proceed to the build definitions?

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Melissa Kivisto (2871121) | answered May 19 '15, 10:35 a.m.
Hi Kerim,

I'm not sure if you reviewed, but here is the documentation for creating a build definition:

You will also need a build engine running on the machine which you would like the build to run on.  See

You can download the build engine from, on the All Downloads tab for your version.
(For example, search for "Build System Toolkit" on

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