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RTC Links types definition

Fabiano lima (17516) | asked Apr 28 '15, 3:54 p.m.
I am finding documentation about the RTC Links types, your definitions, rules and recommendations.

2 answers

permanent link
Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Apr 28 '15, 9:00 p.m.
Hi Fabiano,
You can find the resource from a similar discussion

In addition, the following documents may helpful:

permanent link
Fabiano lima (17516) | answered Apr 29 '15, 10:51 a.m.
 Thank you for your answer. I can not understand especially the rules around link types. What are pre-conditions for use each links. For example : If a work item have a link Parent, I can't add other Parent. I Understand this rule, but in other links cases as Blocker/Depends On , Predecessor/Successor, etc. Exists a documentation about this?

Lily Wang commented Apr 29 '15, 9:22 p.m.

I couldn't find a document to explain all link type constraint.
For Blocker/Depends On, it seems not have any constraint. Please see enhancement request:
The depends-on/blocks relationship should produce an end/end schedule dependency

For Predecessor/Successor, you can refer to

sam detweiler commented Apr 29 '15, 11:05 p.m.

as you've found there is only one rule.. a child can have only one parent.

beyond that there is no enforcement of the semantics.
predecessor/successor only matter in the formal project template. not agile/scrum
scrum doesn't care about schedule. so depends/blocks cannot have a schedule semantic.

Fabiano lima commented Jun 10 '15, 7:52 a.m.

 ok, but lacks clear documentation about it.

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