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Why are CQ queries on RTC Dashboard only showing ID in link?

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Jun 21 '13, 1:16 a.m.

CLM is at 4.0.1 and is "friended" with a CQ 7 project for defects.  When I choose the CQ Queries widget for the dasbhoard and select a query, the result only shows the ID and not the Headline as well.  I tried this with several queries.

In the past they've always shown the ID and Headline.  Is this expected now?   If I maximize the widget it does show the additional info but I would expect the Headline when not maximized as well.

3 answers

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Jun 21 '13, 3:45 a.m.
edited Jun 21 '13, 3:46 a.m.

I saw same behaviour on a CQ 8.x system if the oslc_mapping.xml is mapping the Summary field to a CQ field which is empty or not existing.

Not sure if this behaviour is the same in CQ7 or if it is because CQ7 may not known the oscl_mapping.xml file.

The file is on a CQ8 system at this location:

It looks like:

<oslcRecordConfig type="cq.record:Request@CQ_Schema/CQDB">
     <oslcFieldMapping field="JAZZTitle" name="dcterms:title"/> <oslcFieldMapping field="description" name="dcterms:description"/>

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Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Oct 02 '15, 10:54 a.m.
I had a similar issue recently with CQ and RTC 5.0.2.

The results of my investigation showed that renaming the CQ field "Headline" to something else results in the RTC Widget to display only the id. This seems to be hardcoded somewhere, so RTC expects to find the CQ field called "headline", and renaming it will break the widget.

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Paulo Alves (1) | answered Oct 02 '15, 11:10 a.m.
Additionally, there is no oscl_mapping.xml file in CQ 7.1.x what makes the mapping to a specific field not possible.

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