Does RTC have any functionality that would allow for certain people to provide the approval based on the value selected in another (enumeration) field ?

Does RTC have any functionality that would allow for certain people to provide the approval based on the value selected in another (enumeration) field ?
The way we handle approvals today is by having a workflow action called Submit SR for approval which puts it into a workflow state of 3b - SR Waiting for Approval and then a follow-on workflow action called Approve SR which puts it into a worflow state of 3c - SR In Progress
As an example: Based on the value that they select, either the HR team should approve the request, or the Tech Services team should approve the request.
So if the enumeration value that was selected was HR - table update request .. or HR - Calendar Change request ... then only an HR person would be able to approve it. But if the value selected was TS - Create filesystem ... or Basis - Create security profile ... then only a Tech Services person would be able to approve it.
The way we handle approvals today is by having a workflow action called Submit SR for approval which puts it into a workflow state of 3b - SR Waiting for Approval and then a follow-on workflow action called Approve SR which puts it into a worflow state of 3c - SR In Progress
As an example: Based on the value that they select, either the HR team should approve the request, or the Tech Services team should approve the request.
So if the enumeration value that was selected was HR - table update request .. or HR - Calendar Change request ... then only an HR person would be able to approve it. But if the value selected was TS - Create filesystem ... or Basis - Create security profile ... then only a Tech Services person would be able to approve it.
One answer

I built mine on top of the sample Ralph has in his blog.
mine provides support for configuration data in the process xml (by project), and supports approval injection for any transition from any state to any state by workitem type by user or role. and in role use different algorithms to select the approver
1st in list,
balanced (user with least pending gets next)
all fallback to scrummaster if no approver is found
sam detweiler
Mar 13 '14, 9:21 a.m.far as I know, you cannot have any member of a ROLE responsible for an approval, only a person.
Vidhya Prakash
Mar 13 '14, 9:46 a.m.Sam,
Have you accomplished this feature through any API?
Also do you know if there is any enhancement that is raised regards to this feature? Any Link/WI # ?