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Enable Configuration Management in DOORS NG 6.0 M11

Gergely Szakaly (2379) | asked Apr 24 '15, 9:16 a.m.
I am trying to enable Configuration Management in DOORS NG 6.0 M11. I have installed all applications except Quality Manager from the "Collaborative Lifecycle Management" installation package and activated the test licenses. I created project areas in DOORS NG and Global Configuration Management.

When I try to enable configuration management in the DOORS NG project area under Manage Project Area > Configuration Management, the "Enable Configuration Management" button is greyed out and the following text is displayed below it.

"To enable configuration management, you must specify the activation key in the advanced server property."

Could you help me how to proceed?

5 answers

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Paul Ellis (1.3k613) | answered Apr 27 '15, 5:07 a.m.
 Hi Gergely,

I am afraid there seems to have been an oversight on this one.  The activation key for the Milestone release is not currently available on  We are working on it and it should be ready imminently.

I am afraid in the mean time you will have to use the sandbox:

When you load the page, change the selection box from 5.0.2, to 6.0 M11 with configuration management.  It should allow you to become familiar with the functions in the mean time.

Note, for production use once 6.0 is offiicially released, we're advising contacting Support, but for experimentation, the key will suffice.  Alas, for now, it's just the sandbox.

Kind regards,

Gergely Szakaly commented Apr 27 '15, 7:29 a.m.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the information.

I have started using the sandbox, however I have found that while I am able to create new streams in CM and QM, but not in RM. Is this a limitation of the milestone or the sandbox?

As for the missing activation key in the milestone, will it be corrected first in the next milestone? Is it also missing in M10?

Kind regards,

Paul Ellis commented Apr 27 '15, 8:07 a.m. | edited Apr 27 '15, 8:26 a.m.

 Hi Gergely,

I've checked the sandbox.  It should certainly be possible.
When you first enter the RM project, you are in a default configuration.  The menu to create a stream is available from the Configuration Management menu, which is the coloured box, left of your login always in the top-right of the screen.

How are you creating streams?  Via the GCM app?

The problem with M10 and M11 is that we didn't publish a way of generating the key via  There is a beta program running, where this key was distributed (I am afraid I cannot share that).

We need to wait for this key creation tool to be public facing.  I will ask for details today, but I know they're working hard on this.  The last non activation key beta was M9, if I am not mistaken, but M11 is quite a different build, as was M10.

I really am sorry for this inconvenience.  Let me check the sandbox and get back to you.

Kind regards,

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Kathryn Fryer (503147) | answered Apr 27 '15, 6:08 p.m.
Gergely, also make sure your user has the necessary permissions in RM to create streams (Configuration Admin role is an easy way to assign them all, or you can choose permissions for streams/baselines/change sets).

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Apr 28 '15, 1:11 p.m.
 I think there are problems with the sandbox setup for DNG.  Configuration Management is not enabled, which is why you can't create new streams.  You need to have JazzAdmin role to do that, and the sandbox user does not have that role (nor can you add it).  RQM does have Configuration Management enabled.  

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Apr 28 '15, 1:30 p.m.

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Rakel Alvarez (613) | answered May 18 '15, 3:50 a.m.
Hi all,

Has this option be enabled in new CLM 6.0 RC1 version?If not, when will be available without using the sandbox?

I've also installed Quality Manager from the "Collaborative Lifecycle Management" installation package and neither enable configuration option nor CLM option in main menu is enabled. When will be available?

Thank you,


Gergely Szakaly commented May 18 '15, 10:29 a.m.

Hi Rakel,

Global Configuration is available in CLM 6.0 RC1, however you must enter a license key for the application (QM in your case) to enable it. Strangely enough the associated test license was not part of the download package, at least this was the case for 6.0 M11. I received it in the end through the beta program.

You can find the steps to enable it here:

Note: make sure that you enter the entry for the application and not for the configuration management admin page. This error cost me a lot of time.

Rakel Alvarez commented May 18 '15, 11:05 a.m.

Hi Gergely,

Thank you for your answer. This help us, now global configuration is enabled.

Kind regards,

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