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Create complex type in Work Items

I would like to create a complex type:
for example:
Division-Owner built by 2 basic types: ShortString-Contributor and expose it in a list of this type
ex: "required Divisions" -> List of String-Contributor
This kind of association was possible in ClearQuest in the past.
Has someone any idea how to implement this kind of type in RTC Work Items.
One answer

As far as I can tell, this is not possible in RTC today. There is not anything like a stateless record type that CQ supports in RTC. You can only use work items to do that to some extent.

Hi Ralph
Thx for precision
I have created a such structure using work item and minimize state workflow
When I try to use this attribute in a Defect work Item I add it add Work items list type
Under Eclipse the lightweight dialog creation box permit creation by "create Work Item" button
Do you know why this button disappear under WEB UI?

My assumption would be, nobody thought about this use case when the presentations where created. I would create an enhancement request.