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Purpose of Timelines and Process Description in DNG 5.0.2

Vinay Kumar AV (17933837) | asked Apr 20 '15, 8:08 a.m.

We use DNG 5.0.2. I am keen to know what is the purpose of Timelines and Process Description in DNG 5.0.2. I see its use in RTC and to certain extent in RQM. But I am not sure how effective is this in DNG. Can some share a use case where Timelines and Process Description in DNG is usable?

Vinay Kumar AV

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Alastair Beadle (19411218) | answered Apr 20 '15, 8:21 a.m.
I don't think these features are intended to be used by DGN on its own. I think they are part of configuration management in the base CLM tool and thus we get access to them for free under DNG, whether we need them or not.

Having said that, we raise 'issues', 'enhancement requests' etc. against our DNG requirements and then use some of the more basic timeline functionality to mark which product release we intend to implement/fix the issue against. It is still early days for us with DNG and there may be other ways to achieve the same effect but it seems to be working so far.


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