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Report Builder Query on Requirements with an Attribute with no set value

Jim Marsh (12) | asked Jan 04 '18, 12:30 p.m.
edited Jan 04 '18, 2:19 p.m. by Fariz Saracevic (919613)

I want to make a query to show me all artifacts in a DNG project with an artifact type of Requirement (across modules). I can get this part fine.  Next I want to filter and only show those requirements with "no set value" in a certain attribute tied to that artifact type.  It seems inconsistent depending on the attribute I select.  TAGS for example have a "no set value" option.  But I have another attribute called "VnV Method" that only list the values to select.  There is no "no set value" option.  This is in 6.0.3 ifix008 with LQE.  I tried doing a "is not" option with selecting all but it does not give me the "no set value" results.  Any guidance would be appreciated.

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Darren Coffin (1823) | answered Jan 04 '18, 2:21 p.m.

Hi Jim,

It sounds like your "VnV Method" is an attribute of type enumeration, if it lists the values to select.  In that case, one of the values to select should be "Unassigned".  That is what you use instead of "No Set Value" for that type of attribute.  Try filtering on "is" "Unassigned".

Jim Marsh commented Jan 04 '18, 2:35 p.m.

We did try “Unassigned” option for “VnV Methord”. But it does not work. It keeps on loading and then finally times out.

Darren Coffin commented Jan 04 '18, 4:00 p.m. | edited Jan 04 '18, 4:01 p.m.

Did you limit the scope of your report to a particular project?  Are there any error messages in the rs.log file when it times out? 

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