LTPA Token 2 decrypt JAZZ
I need to configure SSO between Tivoli Integrated Portal and Jazz.
I export ltpa keys from jazz and import them in TIP. But it does not work.
I try to decode Jazz cooki with
but it does not work.
How can i decrypt ltpa token 2 from JAZZ?
One answer
As far as I know, LTPA works between the IBM HTTP Server and the WAS instances the Applications are running on. The IBM HTTP Server and the WAS instances need to be configured for it to work. I don't know how you could integrate TIP here, but I assume that encrypting the tokens would not help. TIP would have to be part of the LTPA setup.
Thanks for answer,
yes, you are right.
I have two WAS :
1. on Tivoli INtegrated Portal
2. on ibm dashboard application services hub
I already configure SSO between two TIP's.
And on anyone TIP i can decode ltpa token with program.
But token from ibm dashboard application services hub does not decode...