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User only access JTS but not CCM ( New LDAP User) - RTC 5.0.2

Fabio Pontel (123) | asked Apr 13 '15, 9:32 a.m.
 After upgrading RTC 4.0.3 to 5.0.2 , the new users in LDAP do not access CCM . But JTS they access normally.

This message occurs :

Could not init workbench. Error fetching initialization data:

"Error! Could not ini workbench. Error fetching initlization data :"

We have executed repotolls reindex e others commands, but it not worked too.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 13 '15, 9:41 a.m.
I would suggest to look into the JTS and CCM diagnostic at the server administration pages.
If new users recently added only work with JTS and old ones with JTS and CCM, something could be wrong in the communication between JTS and CCM. JTS tries to create the new users in CCM and this might fail.
Please while looking at the diagnostics, also look into the JTS and CCM logs.

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