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RTC server 2.0 connection problem using RAD v7.5.2 client

Sungwook Kim (61) | asked Jun 03 '09, 7:23 a.m.

I'm currently facing some trouble connecting to the RTC 2.0 server using RAD v7.5.2 client.

When I try to connect to the RTC server, I get invalid userId/pw exception which cannot be true since I can login to the RTC server from web console using the same id/pw.

So I'm starting to wonder if it is the version mismatch between the server and the client that's causing the problem. My RTC server is Rational Team Concert 2.0 RC2 and for the client I use RAD v7.5.2 RTC plug-in with all the latest fixes and updates.

If I update RTC plug-in within RAD as described in the following link, would I be able to connect to the RTC 2.0 server using RAD 7.5.2 client?

If not, what's the possible cause of this problem and how can I resolve it?

Thanks in advance.

11 answers

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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Jun 03 '09, 8:28 a.m.
esswncw wrote:

I'm currently facing some trouble connecting to the RTC 2.0 server
using RAD v7.5.2 client.

When I try to connect to the RTC server, I get invalid userId/pw
exception which cannot be true since I can login to the RTC server
from web console using the same id/pw.

So I'm starting to wonder if it is the version mismatch between the
server and the client that's causing the problem. My RTC server is
Rational Team Concert 2.0 RC2 and for the client I use RAD v7.5.2 RTC
plug-in with all the latest fixes and updates.

If I update RTC plug-in within RAD as described in the following link,
would I be able to connect to the RTC 2.0 server using RAD 7.5.2

If not, what's the possible cause of this problem and how can I
resolve it?

Thanks in advance.

RSA 7.5.2 contains a RTC client.
I have tried to connect a standalone RTC client to a RTC Server
2.0 Beta 2 and I get exactly the invalid user/pwd message you are
seeing. So that is the reason.

What I don't know is if RSA 7.5.2 supports a RTC Client 2.0. Anybody knows?



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Chris Daly (61651) | answered Jun 03 '09, 7:55 p.m.
I've been successful installing RAD 7.5.2 with the RTC 2.0 RC2 build (older builds of RTC 2.0 did not shell-share with RAD). Here is the IM repository for the RC2 standard edition:

Make sure the 1.0.1 RTC (packaged with RAD) is not installed before you try to install the 2.0 version. You can select Modify from the main IM screen and then select your RAD install and uncheck the RTC item to remove 1.0.1 from the RAD install. Then use the repository link to install RTC into the same package group.

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David Olsen (5237) | answered Jun 03 '09, 8:01 p.m.
Chemi wrote:
RSA 7.5.2 contains a RTC client.

What I don't know is if RSA 7.5.2 supports a RTC Client 2.0. Anybody

What do you mean by support?

You can't use RSA 7.5.2 to update your RTC client to 2.0. RTC 2.0
hasn't shipped yet, and you can't expect a released version of RSA to
ship a beta version of RTC. Once RTC 2.0 is released, I expect that
future releases of RSA will include RTC 2.0, but I don't know the
details of which versions of RSA that will be or when they will be released.

If by support you mean, can RTC 2.0 and RSA 7.5.2 be integrated into the
same shell, I think the answer is yes. But I don't know the details of
how to make that happen.

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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Jun 04 '09, 1:52 a.m.
David Olsen wrote:
Chemi wrote:
RSA 7.5.2 contains a RTC client.

What I don't know is if RSA 7.5.2 supports a RTC Client 2.0. Anybody

What do you mean by support?

You can't use RSA 7.5.2 to update your RTC client to 2.0. RTC 2.0
hasn't shipped yet, and you can't expect a released version of RSA to
ship a beta version of RTC. Once RTC 2.0 is released, I expect that
future releases of RSA will include RTC 2.0, but I don't know the
details of which versions of RSA that will be or when they will be

If by support you mean, can RTC 2.0 and RSA 7.5.2 be integrated into the
same shell, I think the answer is yes. But I don't know the details of
how to make that happen.

I understand RTC 2.0 has not been released yet. I was just wondering if
anybody had tried the combination and it was working for demo and study
purposes (not production).

When I said support, I wanted to say if RSA "extensions" were working or

I didn't want to say if I was able to open defects against RSA or RTC.



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carlo gneo (9694) | answered Jun 09 '09, 6:26 a.m.
I've been successful installing RAD 7.5.2 with the RTC 2.0 RC2 build (older builds of RTC 2.0 did not shell-share with RAD). Here is the IM repository for the RC2 standard edition:

Make sure the 1.0.1 RTC (packaged with RAD) is not installed before you try to install the 2.0 version. You can select Modify from the main IM screen and then select your RAD install and uncheck the RTC item to remove 1.0.1 from the RAD install. Then use the repository link to install RTC into the same package group.

I've tried like you say here, I uninstall RTC 1.0.1, but I obtain that the system says the installation of RTC2.0 Client can't be done because it's not compatible with other packages.

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Thomas Loeber (62237950) | answered Jun 09 '09, 10:47 a.m.
I installed RAD 7.5.2 without the packaged RTC client. I was then able to install the latest RTC 2.0 RC2 client in the same IM package (SDP) along with the latest CCRC extension for V7.1. The first time I tried this, it failed because I had installed the packaged RTC client that ships with RAD. I had to un-install and start over.

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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Jun 09 '09, 11:22 a.m.
cargne80 wrote:
I've tried like you say here, I uninstall RTC 1.0.1, but I obtain that
the system says the installation of RTC2.0 Client can't be done
because it's not compatible with other packages.

Have you tried with RC2? I think there were know problems with
shell-sharing that have been fixed in RC2.



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carlo gneo (9694) | answered Jun 09 '09, 11:28 a.m.
I installed RAD 7.5.2 without the packaged RTC client. I was then able to install the latest RTC 2.0 RC2 client in the same IM package (SDP) along with the latest CCRC extension for V7.1. The first time I tried this, it failed because I had installed the packaged RTC client that ships with RAD. I had to un-install and start over.

I've done the same operations, but the system doesn't permits to me to install RTC in the same package of RAD. Perhaps the reason is that I use RAD 7.5.0.

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carlo gneo (9694) | answered Jun 10 '09, 10:08 a.m.
cargne80 wrote:
I've tried like you say here, I uninstall RTC 1.0.1, but I obtain that
the system says the installation of RTC2.0 Client can't be done
because it's not compatible with other packages.

Have you tried with RC2? I think there were know problems with
shell-sharing that have been fixed in RC2.



Yes I tried with RC2 but I had the same problems with invalid userId/pw exception.

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Ken Greenlee (163) | answered Jun 10 '09, 3:06 p.m.
I've been successful installing RAD 7.5.2 with the RTC 2.0 RC2 build (older builds of RTC 2.0 did not shell-share with RAD). Here is the IM repository for the RC2 standard edition:

Make sure the 1.0.1 RTC (packaged with RAD) is not installed before you try to install the 2.0 version. You can select Modify from the main IM screen and then select your RAD install and uncheck the RTC item to remove 1.0.1 from the RAD install. Then use the repository link to install RTC into the same package group.

I did this using RAD 7.5.1. When the Installation Manager finished, it said:

Validation of Eclipse installation configuration failed because is has unsatisfied bundle constraints:
Bundle "org.eclipse.ui_3.4.2.M20090204-0800" doe snot meet the version tolerance of "[3.3.1,3.4.2)" for the bundle ""
Bundle "org.eclipse.core.resources_3.4.2.R34x_v20090126" does not meet the version tolerance of "3.3.0,3.4.2)" for the bundle ""

Anyway, I click OK on the dialog with these errors, and the Installation Manager said the installation was successful.

When I start RAD 7.5.1, I do not see any RTC related options.

What am I supposed to see? Does anyone know how to install the RTC client into RAD 7.5.1?

--Ken Greenlee

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