RTC API - Is there a way to check if a specific advisor has ran from within a participant?
Accepted answer
The problem is here both my advisor and my participant are parts of a deliver operation so I don't think this method can be utilized here. My understanding is that this method assumes that 'operation.getOperationData()' is an instance of ISaveParameter which I don't think is true for a deliver operation. Maybe I missed something here or is there an alternative way to do this for a deliver operation?
I was thinking instead about creating a file using something that is unique and global to the operation via the advisor and deleting it via the participant. Still unsure about what this may imply.
note that you could get multiple concurrent invocations of the advisor/participant chains from requests from multiple clients (client side and web).
The additional parameter might be available there as well. I don't know.
On a second thought, the additional parameters are only available during a save operation. So they don't apply for advisors. I'd suggest to search the Eclipse forum for a way to communicate across extensions. You might have to create your own extension that allows to do this.