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notification when a component changes

Nicolas Dangeville (31632525) | asked Mar 11 '10, 4:53 a.m.
Could you give me some advices in order to deal with this use case: A team
wants to be notified when changes has been made in a component, so that they
can re-generate some accessors based on the newly delivered code.


There is a component C1 that contain some source files. These files are the
input to generate Java classes used for the communication between remote
systems (J2C). These Java classes are managed in a component C2.

C1 and C2 belong to two different team areas (T1 and T2). T2 would like to
be notified of a change made in C1 so that they can re-generate the files in

We are considering basic and more sophisticated notifications.

1/ basic notification with feeds: When a baseline of C1 is delivered in a
stream, T2 would receive a notification. I was thinking of using feeds to do
that. Is it possible to subscribe to a feed and filter to receive
notification of the delivery of changesets / baselines for a given component
? How ?

2/ create automatically a work-item. I assume that I would have to write a
plugin that catches the event of delivering a baseline ("deliver baseline"),
check the component & stream involved and would create a work-item filed
against to T2, to let them know they should regenerate their J2C classes.

Could you help me with the feed ? Is there a more simple solution for 2/



One answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 11 '10, 11:23 p.m.
Re-generating accessors would be a "build" step, performed by the Jazz
build engine. So to automatically rebuild when there are changes, you
would schedule a repeating build, and select the property that says
"rebuild only if there are changes".

WRT notifying the users, this wouldn't be done via a work item, but
rather is something done automatically by the "pending changes" view ...
which highlights a blue "accept" icon if there are changes in the stream
to be accepted.

If the developer is using the Eclipse IDE for building, Eclipse will
automatically rebuild the modified files following the "accept".


NDangeville wrote:
Could you give me some advices in order to deal with this use case: A team
wants to be notified when changes has been made in a component, so that they
can re-generate some accessors based on the newly delivered code.


There is a component C1 that contain some source files. These files are the
input to generate Java classes used for the communication between remote
systems (J2C). These Java classes are managed in a component C2.

C1 and C2 belong to two different team areas (T1 and T2). T2 would like to
be notified of a change made in C1 so that they can re-generate the files in

We are considering basic and more sophisticated notifications.

1/ basic notification with feeds: When a baseline of C1 is delivered in a
stream, T2 would receive a notification. I was thinking of using feeds to do
that. Is it possible to subscribe to a feed and filter to receive
notification of the delivery of changesets / baselines for a given component
? How ?

2/ create automatically a work-item. I assume that I would have to write a
plugin that catches the event of delivering a baseline ("deliver baseline"),
check the component & stream involved and would create a work-item filed
against to T2, to let them know they should regenerate their J2C classes.

Could you help me with the feed ? Is there a more simple solution for 2/



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