RTC Work Ticket Failing Creation - 'Owned By' Attribute Needs to be Set
I'm trying to generate a Build Ticket in RTC via a post to our Jazz server. When I do, I'm always met with the error that I need to set the 'Owned By' attribute. As far as I can tell from documentation, dcterms:contributor is the owner. I've tried making up a "dcterms:ownedBy" and "dcterms:OwnedBy" and "dc:OwnedBy" etc, but nothing works. Why doesn't it like it??
Accepted answer
Turns out, the error was lying. If any of the attributes are incorrectly set up, I will get the preconditions error for "Owned By" not being set. In the end, I had a couple attributes wrong. In the example above, the rtc_cm:due was wrong for having rdf:dataType in the tag (which I simply copied the format from the "get"). Removing it made it work fine.
I think the Get is actually what made me do it the wrong way :-P. I was trying to include dataType because the Get return shows dataType as a field. Not sure why I can't or shouldn't mimic that.
One other answer
Understand the operational behavior that is configured for the target project area to understand what is needed for this to work.
- Once you understand that, create item(s) you want to create via automation manually.
Investigate what the values are. E.g. do a GET on such an item.This should give you all the information you need for your question above.
Figure out what is what and automate it.
Communication is complicated in large corporations--especially when working on side projects outside your main role. I don't even know the people who configured nor where to get such information so it's a lot of trial and error. This particular question, I was doing exactly what it told me was wrong so I wasn't sure why it told me it was wrong. I did everything right, and it turns out it was straight-up lying. It had an issue with my other fields and lied about which was the problem. Perhaps that's a config issue for the server itself, but I wouldn't know! :-).