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How can I have access to a component that was created in another project that I am not a member of?

Bob Ferguson (891443) | asked Mar 13 '15, 5:16 p.m.
I am using RTC 3.0.1 and the following is my scenario:



I create a component in RTC project x.

I assigned multiple members to the project.

The members modified code, checked in and delivered the code.

I made baselines.


I created RTC project y.

I used a baseline from the component I created in RTC project x in this project.

I assigned the same members to this project that were assigned to RTC project x.

I removed the members from RTC project x so that the members could no longer see or access it.


Result was that the members of RTC project y can see the project (e.g. Builds, Plans, Source Control, Steams …)  however they cannot see the component when the expand the stream. Also if they try to create a local repository workspace, they go through all the screens to create it however, when they select the stream there are no components to select to load.


I added the members back to the RTC project x.


Result was that the members or RTC project y can see the project (e.g. Builds, Plans, Source Control, Steams …) and see the component when they expand the stream and when they create a local repository workspace and go through the screes to create it, the component is displayed in the list when they select the stream.


Why do the members have to be in both projects?

I do not want the members to have access or see the old project (RTC project x).  How can I do this if the members have to be in both projects?

Accepted answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 13 '15, 10:34 p.m.
edited Mar 13 '15, 10:34 p.m.
Who has read access to a component depends on what access control they are given by the project area that owns the component.  So either find a project area that has the read-access control that you want for this component and make that project area the owner of the component, or create a new project area, specify for it the access control you want for the component, and make that new project area the owner of the component.
Bob Ferguson selected this answer as the correct answer

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