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[closed] Post an upgrade to RTC jbe 6.0.3, build has started failing.

Pruthvi Nagaraja (11) | asked Apr 10 '19, 5:26 a.m.
closed Apr 10 '19, 5:59 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)
Post an upgrade to RTC jbe 6.0.3. The Builds are failing with the errors as below.

 /opt/MAPworkspace70Nightly/buildtools/build.xml:905: Target "random-machine-script" does not exist in the project "rtc-build".

I suspect the issue is with RTC jbe 6.0.3. Because,

Observations :

1) T
he issue is not observed with RTC jbe 6.0.1 or with RTC jbe 6.0.2 below are the stacks for reference.
     But only when the jbe is 6.0.3.

Stack  :

Fails with the below combination :

RTC Build tools 6.0.3
Ant                 1.9.4
jdk                  1.7

Works fine:

RTC Build tools 6.0.2
Ant                 1.9.4
jdk                  1.7

Works fine:

RTC Build tools 6.0.1
Ant                 1.9.4
jdk                  1.7

2) Line from the build.xml :

<antcallback dir="remote-ant" antfile="remote-ant-choose-machine.xml" target="random-machine-script" return="remoteWin.machine" />

 I have even tried giving the absolute path to the directory, xml file but the build still fails.

3If its was indeed an issue with the ant file, then i should have failed with jbe 6.0.1 and jbe 6.0.2. But it works fine. So its seems like something have changed in jbe 6.0.3

4) The error is misleading  since the workspace on the linux build machine has fetched the entire source code and the relevant build xml's are all present.

Please guide.

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question" by rschoon Apr 10 '19, 5:59 a.m.

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Apr 10 '19, 5:59 a.m.
edited Apr 10 '19, 6:03 a.m.

 Please look at

Connect to your colleague and make it a joint effort.

The information on the other question might indicate there is an issue with your build environment, related to IVY, based on different versions.

If this is not helping, please contact IBM support and open a case.

Pruthvi Nagaraja commented Apr 10 '19, 6:50 a.m.

Hi Ralph,
I did discuss with Dinesh. The issue related to IVY, I believe is resolved, after adding the ivy.jar to ANT lib folder in the environment. The related missing class of IVY.jar is in;

But post that the builds are failing with the error mentioned in the above description.

As suggested i have raised a support case now.
Thank you.