Error during RTC 5.0.2 extensibility
I m working on RTC 5.0.2 extensibility.
I have followed all the steps of WorkshopSetup pdf, but am getting error in one step: (Test connecting the Eclipse debugger to Tomcat) Navigate -> Open Type ->
ActiveServiceDTO. I cannot see this option in the available types.
Have I gone wrong somewhere in the steps or anywhere else?
One answer
What you describe is not an error, but you don't see what you expected to see. I would suggest to carefully perform the lab 1 steps before this one. You likely experience one of the following problems:
- Failed to setup the client with the SDK Target Platform
Missed to add the Target Platform's Plugins to the Java search
I have followed both these steps correctly.
Also I am getting many errors in Eclipse Client Error Log.
If you did, you would be able to find that class. I have done this with almost all versions of RTC since 3.0 and it always worked. Experience shows it is not a problem with the workshop, it is usually user errors e.g. not checking the right check boxes during the import steps for the SDK and while setting up the workspace.
I tried to see your errors in Eclipse using my crystal ball. Didn't work.