* missing

3 answers


Thank you for your answer.
I'm quite sure, that the build script is correct. I also have and had the task definitions in the script. However, the class can not be found.
Error message: taskdef class cannot be found using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
Classpath is set to the buildtoolkit directory and I also tried to pass it via the -lib parameter to ant.
For my understanding, there should be files named "*.jar" in the buildtoolkit directory, so the AntLoader can load them. But they aren't there.
Thanks, Ralf

trusting you read through the general setup for Jazz ANT builds and the examples in Jazz Build Wiki I understand you are looking for a way to execute the logPublisher task.
You should not need a special build.ant jar file for that. The logPublisher task is included in the build toolkit. However, you need to define the task in your build.xml, i.e. point the task name to the right plugin to execute (example cp. <BuildToolkit>\buildsystem\buildtoolkit\examples\standalone\build.xml)
As you can see in the sample build.xml provided with the build toolkit, the taskdef for logPublisher is:
<taskdef name="logPublisher"
classname="" />
When that is part of your build.xml you can call the task as per the link you provided.
If this works for you please mark this answer as accepted. If it doesn't, please provide your build.xml or build setup and the exact error message you see.

Thank you for your answer.
I'm quite sure, that the build script is correct. I also have and had the task definitions in the script. However, the class can not be found.
Error message: taskdef class cannot be found using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
Classpath is set to the buildtoolkit directory and I also tried to pass it via the -lib parameter to ant.
For my understanding, there should be files named "*.jar" in the buildtoolkit directory, so the AntLoader can load them. But they aren't there.
Thanks, Ralf

Thanks for your answers.
I found the problem: I was using the command line build system, as we used a somewhat complicated batch file for the build process; and one step in this script was calling Ant to upload additional log files. This doesn't seem to work. If I use an Ant build definition instead, it works correctly. I still don't understand, why I then cannot use the Ant script from the batch directly, but I can of course build an Ant solution instead.