Are there any best JVM arguments for the JBE?
2 answers
In my experience using the command line build definition, the only real work that the JBE's JVM is doing during my build is the source extract: the compilation & packaging activities are all performed via an external process. It seems to me that all of the build definitions would behave in the same way.
That's my long way of saying that I doubt there's much tweaking one can do on the JBE's JVM that would make much of a difference; you'd likely be better served looking at how the actual build JVM is configured.
This thread is actually a follow up of
From the linked question, that does seem to be a huge degradation.
My first thought would be I/O bottlenecks around logging. Are you invoking Ant with the option to send the logs directly to a file? If not that may help.
1 vote
No but we are using ANT for build. ANT activities invoke the batch files etc. Do you know any other way to do profiling of ANT activities?
My memory is hazy but I have a vague recollection of a discussion on the Ant developer mailing list about a profiling listener.
1 vote
would be helpful if you have provide pointers :) IBM WAIT tool is way to complex for this IMO
Try searching the Ant developer mailing list archive. Sorry, that's the best i can do.
1 vote
To help identify what's making your JBE build run slower than you expect, I'd first run and profile the different steps of your build from the command line so they don't involve JBE at all. This will help you see how much overhead JBE is adding to each step. Then you have some numbers to begin an investigation with.
This thread is a followup of
To add to that, our observation is that the process via ANT is slower than if it's run directly on command prompt