How can I configure Lifecycle Queries under Shared Queries in RTC through eclipse client?
2 answers
Hi Alexandre,
Thank you for your quick reply. I can able to access the predefined queries through the eclipse client. My problem is I am seeing some more queries under the shared queries with title Lifecycle Queries. I am not able to find the location of those queries in Eclipse client. Please see the screen shot below
Web UI with Lifecycle Queries under Predefined Queries
Predefined Queries in Eclipse client
Here I cannot locate the lifecycle queries. If you have any Idea where the lifecycle queries is available please guide me the location of the same.. Thanks in advance!
Thank you for your quick reply. I can able to access the predefined queries through the eclipse client. My problem is I am seeing some more queries under the shared queries with title Lifecycle Queries. I am not able to find the location of those queries in Eclipse client. Please see the screen shot below
Web UI with Lifecycle Queries under Predefined Queries
Predefined Queries in Eclipse client
Here I cannot locate the lifecycle queries. If you have any Idea where the lifecycle queries is available please guide me the location of the same.. Thanks in advance!